Technical Editing Fifth Edition Rude People
This market-leading text has been thoroughly revised to reflect recent changes in technology, workplace practices and the global marketplace. The book progresses from concepts and basic copyediting to comprehensive editing, management and production issues. Coverage now includes a new chapter on client projects. Technical Editing takes a comprehensive approach to editing and defining editorial responsibility in terms of information design and the overall effectiveness of a document in helping readers understand and complete tasks. Expanding the concept of editing from a narrow focus on sentence-level revisions for correctness, this book encourages students to think about the effects of word choices, sentences, organization and design.
- Technical Editing Fifth Edition Rude People Quotes
- Technical Editing Fifth Edition Rude People In America

Students learn that the measure of a 'good' document is in part outside that document, in the document's 'match' to the users' needs and the author's goals.The textbook with its supplementary Web site and instructor's manual offers a complete editing course, including materials for daily workshops and discussion and longer documents for graded assignments. In a password-protected portion of the Web site, instructors can also retrieve illustrations of edited versions as well as suggested responses to daily activities. Both focused and flexible, Technical Editing includes assignments carefully crafted to develop specific editing competencies and modular chapters that allow instructors to adapt the text to meet their own course goals and methods. 'synopsis' may belong to another edition of this title. From the Back Cover: The demand for technical communicators, particularly in the computer industry. Is greater than the supply of people specifically trained for these jobs. Companies compromise by hiring English majors who don't necessarily understand the technical jargon, genres, or audiences or by hiring computer science majors who aren't trained in writing.
Technical Editing Fifth Edition Rude People Quotes

This book will aid both types of employees who need on-the-job training. As in the first edition, Technical Editing progresses from basic copyediting to comprehensive editing to management issues, but now includes electronic editing and the editing of nonprint documents and an emphasis on global communication. The new edition also reflects recent changes in technology, workplace practices, and the global marketplace. Technical editors, writers, document designers, computer scientists. About the Author: CAROLYN RUDE teaches professional writing and chairs the Department of English at Virginia Tech. Before becoming a professor, she worked as a technical writer and editor.

She is past president and fellow of the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing. She is also a fellow of the Society for Technical Communication and winner of its Jay R. Gould Award for excellence in teaching.
Technical Editing Fifth Edition Rude People In America
She believes that understanding editing has enhanced her administrative work, not just because of required writing and document design but also because of the focus of comprehensive editing on readers and purposes, reading styles, and project management. ANGELA EATON ( is an Associate Professor of Technical Communication and Rhetoric at Texas Tech University.
Her research interests include technical editing, grant writing, and technical communication practices and pedagogies. She is the owner of the technical editing and grant writing firm Angela Eaton & Associates, LLC, is a member of the Association of the Teachers of Technical Writing, and is a senior member of the Society for Technical Communication. She was the 2005-2006 winner of the Society for Technical Communication's $10,000 Research Award. Her research has been published in Technical Communication, Business Communication Quarterly, and three edited collections. 'About this title' may belong to another edition of this title.